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Soy Sauces: Soy sauces are fermented sauces made from soybeans, roasted grain, water and salt.

Sheng is a thin, opaque, dark brown soy sauce. It is the main soy sauce used for seasoning, since it is saltier, but it also adds flavour. It is made from the first pressing of the soybeans.
Shaun is a double-fermented more delicate type of soy sauce, usually used for for dipping.
Sahai is darker and slightly thicker soy sauce that is aged longer and contains added molasses to give it its distinctive appearance. It is mainly used during cooking since its flavour develops under heating. It has a richer, slightly sweeter, and less salty flavour.
Kaimae is a saltier and lighter soy sauce. The lighter color arises from the usage of a sweet liquid made from fermented rice, that is used in its production.
Kaeganzh is a soy sauce made from the byproducts of the production of toenkan, a fermented soybean paste. It is thin and dark brown in color, is made entirely of soy and brine,

Fermented Soybean Pastes: These are a fermented pastes made from ground soybeans. Sometimes other varieties of beans may also be used. They are usually salty and savory, but may also be spicy, and are used as a condiment to flavor foods such as stir-fries, stews, and soups.

Nuai is produced by fermenting rice, barley and soybeans, with salt and a specific mold. It is used for sauces and spreads, pickling vegetables or meats, and as a soup. It is typically salty, but its flavor and aroma depend on various factors in the ingredients and fermentation process. There are an extremely wide variety of miso available. Different varieties have been described as salty, sweet, earthy, fruity, and savoury.

Toenkan is produced from dried soybeans, boiled and stone-ground into fine bits. This paste is then formed into blocks which are then dried and then put into large opaque pottery jars with brine and left further ferment. During fermentation, various beneficial bacteria transform the mixture into a further vitamin-enriched substance. Liquids and solids are separated after the fermentation process, and the liquid becomes Kaeganzh. The solid, which is toenkan, is very salty and quite thick, often containing some whole, uncrushed soybeans. Sometimes fermented, dried, and ground fish are also added to intensify the savor. Toenkan can be eaten as a condiment in raw paste-form with vegetables, similar to the way some people dip celery into cheese

Zhamba is a mixture of toenkan, garlic, sesame oil, and chilis. It is used as a sauce for meats or in soup and stew broths.

Toenkh is a salty, dark brown bean paste made from roasted soybeans, which are naturally fermented with water and other ingredients, such as glutinous rice or maize powder, and salt. It ranges in consistency from a thick paste to a thin liquid.

Fish Sauces: Fish sauces are condiments derived from fish that have been allowed to ferment.

Biknak is made from fish, salt and water. The fish and salt are arranged in wooden boxes to ferment and are slowly pressed, yielding the salty, fishy liquid. Biknak is used as a cooking sauceand sometimes as a dipping sauce.

Xhauoe is made from roughly chopped dried seafoodsmixed with chilli, onion, garlic, and salt, and then fermented and pressed. The result is a thick, spicy paste.

Hot Sauces:
Faesh is made by pickling whole, fresh red chilis in a brine solution, with a dried fish added to the pickling pot along with the chilis.
Koegu is simple sauce made by infusing chilies into white liquor.
Yoehen is another simple sauce made by infusing chilis and other spices in sesame oil.
Paepa sauce is made from chili peppers and vinegar, with fruits and vegetables added for extra flavor.
Tabo sauce is made from chili peppers femented in brine and vinegar.
Numa is prepared from fire roasted chilis, fried in lard and cooked in a roux, to which broth added.
Chanti is madewith vinegar, cilantro, chilis, and tomato paste.

Pesto, catsup, various mustards, mayonaise, remoulade, tartar sauce, various curry mixes, and espagnole sauce are all common. Filé powder is used. Texas style barbeque sauce is also common.

Pord is made with garlic, dry red wine, bone marrow, shallots, and demi-glace.
Boel is a mixture of hot sauce, pepper, salt, bay leaf, lemon, garlic, mustard seeds, coriander seeds, and allspice.
Toekhar is a mixture of ground ginger, cumin, coriander, chilis, and turmeric.
Kha is a mixture of coriander, turmeric, cumin, fenugreek, ginger, garlic, fennel seed, cinnamon, clove, mustard seed, green cardamom, black cardamom, mace, nutmeg, chili, and black pepper .
Gha is a blend of ground spices common in Whilan cuisine. Most traditional mixes use cinnamon, roasted cumin, caraway seeds, cloves, nutmeg, and green cardamom seed or black cardamom pods. Some mixtures may also include dried red chili peppers, dried garlic, ginger powder, sesame, mustard seeds, turmeric, coriander, bay leaves, star anise, and fennel.
Five Star is a spice blend consisting of cinnamon, Szechuan pepper, anise seed, ginger root, and ground cloves.
Jaerk is a dry rub mixture used on meats. It consists primarily of allspice and chilis, with cloves, cinnamon, scallions, nutmeg, thyme, garlic, and other spices added in.
Dempfoe is a mixture of spices specifically for use with Whilan clay oven. The specific spices vary somewhat from one region to another, but typically include chilis, garlic, ginger, cumin, and a citric juice The spices are ground to a fine powder. The food is is covered with a mixture of plain yogurt and dempfoe, and slowly roasted in the oven.