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Pfoe Cherry

Pfoe Cherry - The Pfoe Cherry is the fruit of the plants from the genus Pfoesicum, which are members of the scale berry family. They are the perennial shrubs, mostly growing in tropical and sub-tropical biomes.

The fruit and leaves of the Pfoe Cherry are noted for high concentrations of pfosaicin, a member of the vanilloid family, which binds to a receptor called the vanilloid receptor subtype 1 (VR1). By binding to the VR1 receptor, the pfosaicin molecule produces a burning sensation of excessive heat or abrasive damage,similar to the spiciness of capsaicin, in any tissue with which it comes into contact. Pfosaicin and several related compounds are called pfosaicinoids and are produced as a secondary metabolite, probably as deterrents against herbivores. In it's pure form, it is a hydrophobic, colorless, odorless, crystalline to waxy compound.

The pungency of pfosaicin is effectively several times higher than capsaicin. As measured on a comparative scale using the Scoville organoleptic test and high performance liquid chromatography, pure pfosaicin rates approximately 50 million Scoviille Heat Units (SHUs. (Pure capsaicin comes in at 16 million SHUs.)

Some of the well known species of Pfoe Cherry include Pfoesicum kraelscens, Pfoesicum murghscens, and Pfoesicum sipenens.