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Kinespetria ("moving stones")is a very large and diverse phylum, which includes a wide variety of animals. There are approximately 300,000 species within this phylum.

Kinespetrods range from minute to very large organisms. The vast majority of kinespetrods live in marine environments, and are found intertidally, in the shallow subtidal and on the continental shelf, although some species do live in the abyssal depths of the oceans around hot vents. Not all are marine - there are also freshwater terrestrial species.

Kinespetrods are triploblastic protostomes and many demonstrate bilateral symmetry. The principal body cavity is a blood-filled hemocoel. They have a true coelom (eucoelom); any coelomic cavities have been reduced to vestiges around the hearts, gonads, and metanephridia (kidney-like organs). The body is often divided into a head, with eyes or tentacles, a muscular foot, and a visceral mass housing the organs.

Kinespetrods have a mantle, which is a fold of the outer skin lining the shell, and a muscular foot or feet used for locomotion. In most kinespetrods the mantle secretes a calcium carbonate/silicate shell. All species have a complete digestive tract that starts from the mouth and runs to the anus. Many have a feeding structure, the radula, mostly composed of chitin. Radulae are very diverse. Kinespetrods generally lack body segmentation.
The phyllum is divided into five orders: placipodia, quadravalvia, septoplacophora, dodecaplacophora, and cirrchoanvalvia.