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Report on the Terran and 47_Ursae_Majoris systems

Introduction | Stars, planets, and moons now | Star and planet formation | Commentary


The results of the calculations are given below. All values are given in the most convenient units, with the ratio of the pair quoted.

Stars and planets evolve over time. Some features, like mass, remain roughly constant throughout their lives, others change quite dramatically. At the moment the program only handles stars on the Main Sequence, when they are stable. It assumes the star and planet are formed at the same time, and counts time from Zero Age Main Sequence (ZAMS), quoting values then and now. Extrapolate between them at your peril!

After the hard numbers, some commentary is given. This is the bit most likely to reflect my prejudices, so take things with a pinch of salt.

Hope you found this program useful!



Mass (M0) 1.00 1.401.40Solar mass M0 = 1.99E+30 kg
Distance from Earth (ly) 0.0046.003.03E+06 Light year = 9.47E+15 m
Age on Main Sequence (Gyr)10.00 3.900.39
Age (Gyr) 4.60 0.000.00
Radius (R0) 1.00 1.101.10Solar radius R0 = 6.96E+08 m
Surface gravity (m/s²)274.2314.51.15
Escape Velocity (km/s) 618 6951.13
Luminosity (L0) 1.00 1.531.53
Absolute magnitude Mv 4.7 4.3
Apparent magnitude mv-26.9 5.0
Surface temperature (K) 5796 61371.06
Peak wavelength (micron) 0.50 0.470.94
Ecosphere inner radius (AU) 0.99 1.231.24
Ecosphere outer radius (AU) 1.38 1.711.24
Star formation
Luminosity (L0) 0.71 2.553.59Solar luminosity L0=3.90E+26 W
Radius (R0) 0.92 1.241.35Solar radius R0=6.96E+08 m
Absolute magnitude 5.1 3.7
Apparent magnitude-26.6 4.4
Temperature (K) 5539 65701.19
Peak wavelength (micron) 0.52 0.440.84
Ecosphere inner radius (AU) 0.84 1.591.90
Ecosphere outer radius (AU) 1.16 2.201.90
Rotation period (hr)21.96 0.0059.85250.002.73 inf-ve is retrograde
Temperature range of orbit (°C)-38.6 to -43.2-13.9 to -19.0-63.4 to -73.6-29.6 to -41.4
Mean orbital distance (106 km)149.60 0.38331.36 0.492.211.27Astronomical Unit=1.50E+08 km
Axial tilt (°) 23.4 0.0 12.2 0.00.52 nan
Year (Earth days)365.2 27.31017.6 36.82.791.35
Star system escape velocity (km/s)42.1242.1233.4933.490.800.80From planetary orbit
Angular diameter of star (°) 0.53 0.53 0.27 0.270.500.50
Angular diameter of moon (°) 0.52 1.91 0.59 1.911.130.84
Solar day (hr)24.0011110.2960.00348.692.500.03
Radius (km) 6370 1743 6776 25001.061.43
Mass (Earth Masses) 1.00 0.01 0.01 Mass=5.98E+24 kg
Maximum Mass (Earth Masses)3211.7 nan nan nan nan nan
Density (kg/m³) 5523 2696 5162 22840.930.85
Albedo 0.33 0.00 0.45 0.001.36 nan
Inertia Factor 0.34 nan nan nan nan nan
Typical surface gravity (m/s²) 9.83 1.31 9.77 1.600.991.22
Equatorial surface gravity (m/s²) 9.81 1.32 9.80 1.601.001.22
Polar surface gravity (m/s²) 9.86 1.31 9.78 1.600.991.22
Escape velocity (km/s)11.19 2.1411.51 2.821.031.32
Rotation period (hr) 23.9696.0 59.9250.02.500.36-ve is retrograde
Shortest possible period (hr) 2.63 3.77 2.72 Any faster and planet breaks up
Geosynchronous orbit (km)357248402173884563192.070.67above the surface
Plate tectonics end (Gyr) 5.10 0.19 5.54 0.371.091.92After this carbon is buried in the oceans (terrestrial planets only).
Maximum mountain height (m)16570124062166661020901.010.82Mountains in practice smaller, terrestrial planets only
Horizon distance (m) 3091 1617 3188 19361.031.00at eye level, 1.5 m
Atmosphere and Ocean
Atmospheric pressure (mbar) 1013 0 1005 00.99 nan
Minimum RMM for atmosphere (g) 2.5469.37 2.4039.800.950.57Gasses lighter than this escape over geological time (Hydrogen = 1)
Atmospheric RMM (g)33.84 0.0033.77 0.001.00 nan
Specific heat capacity (cp) (J mol-1 K-1) 27.6 0.0 27.0 0.0 1.0 nan
Speed of sound at surface (m/s)318.8 0.0277.3 0.00.87 nan
Temperature range of orbit (°C)-17.7 to 3.6-88.5 to -69.2-88.5 to -22.8-58.7 to 3.6Without greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect (°C)36.00 0.0036.00 0.001.00 nan
Typical surface temperature (°C) 15.8 6.4-57.0-63.9With greenhouse effect
Scale height (m) 7222 0 5446 00.75 nan
Dry adiabatic lapse rate (°C/km)12.07 0.0012.22 0.001.01 nan
f (Coriolis effect) at 45°N * 1E4 1.03 0.04 0.41 0.100.402.78
Mid-ocean tide height (m) 0.4616.52 0.4315.310.940.93


Terran system:

47_Ursae_Majoris system: