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Welcome to Daistallia

Report on the X32-1 system:

Feature X32-1
Type G2
Mass (M0) 1.00 1.00
Age on Main Sequence (Gyr) 10.00
Age (Gyr) 4.60
Radius (R0) 1.00
Surface gravity (m/s²) 274.2
Escape Velocity (km/s) 618
Luminosity (L0) 1.00
Absolute magnitude Mv 4.7
Apparent magnitude mv -26.9
Surface temperature (K) 5796
Peak wavelength (micron) 0.50
Ecosphere inner radius (AU) 0.99
Ecosphere outer radius (AU) 1.38

Star formation
Luminosity (L0) 0.71
Radius (R0) 0.92
Absolute magnitude 5.1
Apparent magnitude -26.6
Temperature (K) 5539
Peak wavelength (micron) 0.52
Ecosphere inner radius (AU) 0.84
Ecosphere outer radius (AU) 1.16

Daistallia Prime
Mean orbital distance (106 km) 182.36
Eccentricity 0.039
Axial tilt (°) 25.0
Year (Earth days) 473.02 Earth days (405 Local days, 1.30 Earth years)
Solar day (hr) 28.023
Radius (km) 6370
1/Ellipticity 294.1

Mass (Earth Masses) 0.99
Density (kg/m³) 5490
Albedo 0.27
Inertia Factor 0.42
Typical surface gravity (m/s²) 9.77
Equatorial surface gravity (m/s²) 9.77
Polar surface gravity (m/s²) 9.80
Escape velocity (km/s) 11.16
Rotation period (hr) 28.0
Shortest possible period (hr) 2.64
Geosynchronous orbit (km) 40,303 above the surface
Maximum mountain height (m) 16670
Horizon distance (m) 3091

Atmosphere and Ocean
Atmospheric pressure (mbar) 914
Specific heat capacity (cp) (J mol-1 K-1) 26.9
Molecular weight retained 6.2 and above (N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O, Ne, N2, CO)
Nitrogen 70.8% 656 mb (ipp: 611)
Oxygen 28.6% 265 mb (ipp: 247)
Argon 0.5% 5 mb (ipp: 4)
Speed of sound at surface (m/s) 307.8
Temperature range of orbit (°C) -34.4 to -24.8
Greenhouse effect (°C) 36.00
Typical surface temperature (°C) -3.0
Scale height (m) 6703
Dry adiabatic lapse rate (°C/km) 12.43
f (Coriolis effect) at 45°N * 1E4 0.88
Mid-ocean tide height (m) 0.39