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Biological Lifeforms of Note Found on Daistallia Prime

These are some notable native species found on Daistallia Prime.

Edible Species:

Afran - This is a nitrogen fixing starch plant that produces 3-5 pea-likes seeds in a pod.
Gha - This is a cone reed that produces small redish orange grains.
Shirn - This is a cone reed that produces maize like ears of pseudo-grain.
Tak - This is an edible puffball like fungoid. It is high in protein.
Bhakha - This is a cone reed that produces very small grains which are a high in protein content.

Baenaib: This is a large scale berry fruit. Thebscale berries are arranged in two interlocking spirals. It contains a proteolytic enzymes similar to bromelainand papain.
Raimu: this is a small (2.5-5 cm in diameter) very tart, bright green kitrain fruit.
Wazu: This is a mid-sized (5-7 cm in diameter) kitrain fruit. It is less tart, and has an oil in the rind that is extremely high in flavanoids. It is golden yellow in color.
Raemoen: This is a mid-sized (5-7 cm in diameter) yellow, mildly tart kitrain fruit.
Saedron: This is a mid-sized (5-7 cm in diameter) dark green, rather sweet kitrain fruit.
Sitrain: This is large (7-10 cm in diameter) yellow, very tart kitrain fruit.
Choe Berry - The fruit of this scale berry are noted for a high concentration of sugars.
Pfoe Cherry - The fruit and leaves of this scale berry are noted for high concentrations of pfosaicin, a member of the vanilloid family, which binds to a receptor called the vanilloid receptor subtype 1 (VR1). By binding to the VR1 receptor, the pfosaicin molecule produces a burning sensation of excessive heat or abrasive damage similar to the spiciness of capsaicin.
Bit - The fruit and leaves of this scale berry are noted for high concentrations of a number of xanthine alkaloids and tannins.

Others Plants:
Sukraed: This is a large cone reed. The interior is filled with a pith that is high in various natural sugars.

Scrab - The "Spider Crab", or scrab, is a icosapod. They have a flat, broad carapace and are characteristically olive-green or blue on the back and white underneath, with blue or red areas covering the relatively small claws. Adult scrabs may reach a length of 25-30 cm and width of 15-20 cm. They are a noted delicacy.
Snakrab - The snakrab, is a icosapod. They have a flat carapace and are characteristically olive-green on the back and white underneath. Adult snakrabs may reach a length of 10-15 cm and width of 5-10 cm.
Krashrimp - The Krashrimp is a dodecapod. They have a notably hard carapace, that gives theim their name. They are characteristically olive-green. Adults may reach a length of 3-5 cm.
Kraelb - The kraelb is a dodecapod. They have a notably hard carapace. They are characteristically blue-green. Adults may reach a length of 1-2 cm.

Dangerous Species:

Cloud Nettle - this species of aculeatusnebul is a rather large, highly toxic aerial creature similar to the terrestrial "sea wasp".

Glass Reed - this is a cone reed with stiff, very sharp blades. The plants grow up to 1 meter high.

Sharp Cane - This is a large (2-3 m high) dentophte. Like glass reed, the plant has stiff, sharp cutting edges.

cone reed starch plant acrid tree scale berry kitrain dentophte